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Free Promo Codes For Viral Mailers and Traffic Exchanges

 Using promo codes for viral mailers and traffic exchanges can save you a lot of time and clicking when you use these ways to get traffic to your site.

In this post, I will go over 5 places you can find promo codes for free!

 The first place I want to share with you is one of the best converting viral mailers online.  They have promo codes for 19 solo ads at various sites.  Plus they have a lot to offer members.

Just a few of the features you get as a member:

*Weekly Promo Codes

*Daily Prizes

*Earn Your Pro Upgrade

*Residual Commissions

*Weekly Prizes

*Monthly Prizes

*7 Different Ways To Promote

*Much Much More 

Click Here To Get Your 19 Free Solo Ads and Free Pro Upgrade

The second place you can get free promo codes is a sister site to the one above.  


Everyone that joins can claim promo codes for solo ads, banner ads, text links, mailing credits, and more at all of the top mailers. 

Click Here to Signup FREE

This site has recently been updated, along with promo codes for 300+ Safelists and Traffic Sites! You get a 5-Pack Promo Code from all 300+ sites just for registering…no purchase necessary.

This viral mailer download has some exclusive promo codes:

This is the biggest place to get promo codes for viral mailers and traffic exchanges.  They have an easy search option where you can search for promo codes by just entering a website URL, or you can download their browser extension, which simply lights up when you're on a website with a code that is readily available.  


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